Catchesis of adults

Pre-Marriage Preparation 

The period leading up to a marriage is a busy, exciting and often stressful time. While your engagement, wedding preparations, reception and honeymoon are all important, the marriage ceremony – the gift of your promise to one another - is at the centre of the Christian celebration.  Whilst your wedding day will be long remembered and cherished, your marriage - the daily reality of living out that promise - will continue long after the last piece of cake is eaten.

Preparation for marriage involves a process of discernment. It should be an affirming experience, as you and your fiancé develop a deeper understanding of one another and your readiness to enter married life.

Fr Michael Willemsen  
Telephone: 5152 3106

RCIA Team                         

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a process developed by the Church for prospective converts to Catholic faith who are above the age of infant baptism. Candidates are gradually introduced to aspects of Catholic beliefs and practices. The basic process applies to adults and older children, with younger children being initiated through an adapted version referred to as the Rite of Christian Initiation of Children (RCIC).

Pattie Pruscino 
Telephone: 5152 2942

Re- connect Team 

Reconnect is a program of welcome for Catholics who may wish to connect with their faith community.  It is a parish-based, small-group program specifically designed to provide a supportive and welcoming environment into which the many Catholics who are not active in the life of the Church may be invited to share their stories of faith, and in so doing, consider returning to regular worship. Reconnect is conducted over six two-hour sessions.

Patricia Walsh  
Telephone: 5152 2418

Sandie Tilley
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